You’re Needed

Reading Time: 3 min

Man, I don’t need you to provide for me. I have a good job, I make enough money. 

But that doesn’t mean I don’t need you.

To lift heavy boxes and put up shelves. Although I could pay a handyman or woman to do that.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t need you.

To make me feel safe when I’m out and about.

Although only societal change will really bring that, once we see each other clearly, as humans, all equally worthy of respect.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t need you.

To satisfy me. Mmhmm. You know what I mean

Although they make tools and toys these days that can go go go.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t need you.

I need you to laugh with me and laugh at me, to listen to me and to speak. I need you to share wisdom and sometimes bad advice so I can say absolutely not.

I need your insight and your perspective and I need you to see mine.

I need you to be a friend and boo thang. A bestie and sometimes be the reason I make even myself cringe.

I need you to run towards what you were created to do and cheerlead for me as I run towards mine. And I need you to give me the pom poms at half-time so I can do the same for you.

I need you to know who you are and be it because you’re robbing us all when you don’t. I need you to widen your gaze and see just how much more you can bring to the table.

I need you to not sell yourself short - you’re more than resources and a penis. I need you to not make yourself redundant because you’re not.

See. I do need you.

And to be honest, you need me.

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