I’m Not A Real Blogger

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I won't guarantee that all my posts will be particularly deep. That's not me all of the time. They will always be honest and hopefully always well written but sometimes I'm going to write pieces 'I feel like it' pieces. I really want to do a post on beards at some point actually, because I enjoy them on a male face, so stay tuned for that if you dare. 

 I won't write posts that I don't care about just to stick to my goal of one post a week. No point giving out garbage just to say I was consistent.

 I won't create completely fake titles just for clickbait. I hate when Youtubers do that. It's literally false advertising. No bueno.

 I (probably) won't write things that you agree with all the time and that is okay. I'm very okay with you disagreeing with me and sharing your (polite) comments below.

 I won't exaggerate the 'greatness' of my life for you to be impressed by or envy. There are more than enough people doing this online already.


RIP real blogger status.


My last few posts have performed much better than usual and I felt a pressure to keep that up by any means necessary. But, by any means necessary is not my gig. Honesty is my gig. This post could've been about the culturally time-relevant new Love Island season that started yesterday. Mmm, I smell a click-worthy headline…But I didn't want to write about Love Island. So I didn't.


So, what actually has been on my mind this past week: NOTHING SERIOUS *cue the confetti*. I'd been off work since Wednesday and it's been a total vibe. I planned to read serious books and be productive, which I started, but then I stopped. And shortly after that, I stopped feeling guilty about stopping. I've had a great productive time off because I've done things I wanted to do and seen people I wanted to see. None of my time-off activities were career-driven. Sometimes just take a real break. 

If you get some time off and don't have any specific plans here are some wonderfully random and yet very rationale recommendations:
- Watch On My Block on Netflix, it's a show that'll actually make you laugh out loud
- Wake up with no alarm, it really is the most beautiful way to start the day
- If you're off for a while: don't become a hermit, go outside and see some people you like
- Listen to a really cool podcast on Apple's podcast app called The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry (or click here to listen without the app). It has points I think literally any person could find interesting.

P.S if you're a 'creative' and your process starts feeling pressurised or burdensome, question that feeling. I'm no expert, but maybe what you create doesn't have to neatly fit inside the box the industry already made for it. Sometimes try what feels more you and see how that goes.

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